The EPS Streak measures how many times out of the last 5 consecutive years the company reported profits.
Investors usually look for companies with steadily increasing earnings per share as an important measure of management performance. This is because it shows how much money the company is making for its shareholders, not only due to changes in profit but also after the issuance of new shares.
This is especially important when the growth comes as a result of acquisition.
Ticker | Name | EPS Streak | StockRank™ |
LON:BGEO | Bank of Georgia | 10.00 | 84 |
LON:HWG | Harworth | 10.00 | 67 |
LON:IMB | Imperial Brands | 10.00 | 96 |
LON:JMAT | Johnson Matthey | 10.00 | 81 |
LON:LGEN | Legal & General | 10.00 | 43 |