EBITDA Margin is used in determining how profitable a company or business is with regard to operations. It is calculated as EBITDA (Earnings before interest, tax and depreciation) divided by Revenue. This is measured on a TTM basis.
EBITDA margin measures the extent to which cash operating expenses use up revenue.
Because EBITDA excludes depreciation and amortisation, EBITDA margin arguably provides a cleaner view of a company's core profitability.
This is measured on a TTM basis.
Ticker | Name | EBITDA Mgn | StockRank™ |
LON:FSFL | Foresight Solar Fund | 963.07 | 71 |
LON:MVCT | Molten Ventures VCT | 923.68 | 54 |
LON:OFG | Octopus Future Generations Vct | 645.61 | 26 |
LON:IPO | IP | 616.33 | 38 |
LON:HFEL | Henderson Far East Income | 584.61 | 82 |