Company news
Our company news service aggregates various services including Refinitiv News and Newswire providers (such as RNS). We provide more information below.
Refinitiv News
We provide all available Refinitiv News for all companies in our database. Refinitiv News is the benchmark news service provider for the global financial community. It is recognised as a world leader that provides the fastest, most authoritative and widest-ranging news service for the financial industry.
Refinitiv have over 2,400 editorial staff in over 180 bureaux serving 130 countries. Their reputation for fast reporting, accuracy and freedom of bias ensures strong coverage of international stocks.
UK Regulatory News Service
At present, we provide RNS on an end of day archive basis (published at 7 pm) - due to the very high licence fees charged by the London Stock Exchange for real-time news.
We do plan to add more timely RNS functionality, including stock specific RNS alerts, but we are also conscious that this functionality is provided well elsewhere. We've focused to date on providing a unique data & research functionality that is not already catered for by other sites.
What is RNS?
The Regulatory News Service (RNS) is a financial communications channel for companies listed on the London Stock Exchange to communicate with private and professional investors. Announcements include takeover bids, directors dealings, trading updates and annual and interim results statements. RNS also help companies with a range of investor relations services that can help with their reporting obligations.