6 Month Volatility

The daily volatility of a security is the standard deviation of a daily return time series. It is commonly used as a measure of the risk of the security. We calculate the daily volatility with up to 3 years of daily price data. This is adjusted to represent the standard deviation of 6 month returns.

Stockopedia explains 6 Month Volatility

The 6 Month Volatility takes the Daily Volatility and adjusts it to reflect the expected variance in price over 6 months.This can be helpful for investors when considering mid to long term investment horizons.

Ranks: Low to HighUnit: %Available in screenerAvailable as Table Column

The 5 highest 6 Month Volatility Stocks in the Market

TickerName6 Month VolatilityStockRank™
LON:CYKCykel AI0.00%18
LON:MACAMAC Alpha0.00%9
LON:PNLPersonal Assets Trust5.42%0
LON:CGTCapital Gearing Trust6.49%0
LON:CMPGCT Global Managed Portfolio Trust7.15%0